ILT20 League opens registration process for UAE-based players

Nov 02, 2022

ILT20 League opens registration process for UAE-based players Image

The International T20 League (ILT20) announced on Tuesday that registration for UAE-based players is now available for those who want to submit their names for consideration to compete in the first league.

"Visit the League's newly launched website to register your interest if you are a player based in or already playing in the UAE. Interested players are highly advised to evaluate the selection criteria through the registration page, which strictly follows to Emirates Cricket playing and ICC residency requirements "In a release on Tuesday, the organisers stated as much.

According to Mubashshir Usmani, general secretary of the Emirates Cricket Board, "League management are extremely pleased to to open the registration portal, which can be found on the now-live ILT20 website, to our expansive UAE-player-pool, and we welcome their interest to compete in the inaugural edition of the League." This statement is in keeping with one of the League's unwavering values and commitment to nurturing the talents of players with UAE citizenship.

"We strive for sustainability and innovative opportunities to grow our players and raise the bar on their competitive edge, and exposing UAE's players to high-level, international matches ratified by the ICC, of which the ILT20 has received a multi-year approval, bodes well for not only UAE Cricket's player development but also for the development of Associate Cricket, where Franchise teams have already signed-on players from various Associate nations.