Sachin Baby, the captain of the Kerala Ranji team, is on the road to recovery following a groin injury sustained during the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy tournament. The 36-year-old batsman faced the injury while competing against Mumbai, which led him to initiate a rehabilitation process aimed at returning to full health as he prepares for Kerala's key Ranji Trophy matches against Madhya Pradesh and Bihar.
After enduring discomfort while executing a hook shot, Sachin initially assumed the feeling was merely a cramp. However, persistent pain forced him to retire from the match. Medical evaluations later revealed a grade one tear, requiring him to rest for eight weeks. Although advised against vigorous activity for this duration, he resumed training after seven weeks and has now begun strength training alongside light running, all under the watchful eye of his personal trainer.
Sachin expresses optimism regarding his comeback, stating that the injury has significantly healed. He is confident he will be fit in time for the Ranji Trophy. He noted that he will be attending the Ranji Trophy camp set to commence in Thiruvananthapuram, an important step in his return to competitive cricket.
Missing the Vijay Hazare Trophy due to this injury was especially frustrating for Sachin, who has prided himself on his fitness throughout his career. He revealed that he has never missed a match because of injury, underlining his dedication to maintaining peak physical condition. This commitment to fitness has been a cornerstone of his cricketing journey, and the absence during a crucial tournament was difficult for him.
Despite his absence, Kerala teams have made their preparations, and Sachin's return is highly anticipated. His dependable batting skills are viewed as essential as the team endeavors to secure qualification for the knockout stage of the Ranji Trophy for the first time in eight seasons.
As the players gear up for the upcoming matches, Sachin Baby's experience and leadership will be vital assets for the squad. His ongoing rehabilitation efforts and commitment to recovery demonstrate the resilience and determination characteristic of elite athletes. The upcoming fixtures present a critical opportunity for Kerala to perform, and the team is hopeful that the captain will be ready to contribute fully to their aspirations in the Ranji Trophy.