In a heartwarming moment, legendary Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar was overcome with emotion as he received the autograph of Chennai Super Kings (CSK) skipper MS Dhoni on his shirt during the team's lap of honour at the Chepauk stadium. Despite CSK's six-wicket defeat to the Kolkata Knight Riders in their final home game of IPL 2023, Sunday held a special significance for the team and its fans at the MA Chidambaram Stadium.
As CSK players embarked on their lap of honour around their home ground, Sunil Gavaskar chased down the group and approached captain MS Dhoni, requesting his autograph. In a touching tribute from one cricket legend to another, Gavaskar asked Dhoni to sign his shirt, creating a cherished memory for the Indian cricket icon.
Speaking about the impulsive action and the emotions behind it, Sunil Gavaskar shared his thoughts on the special moment. "When I learned that Chennai Super Kings and MS Dhoni would be taking a lap of honour at Chepauk, I decided to create a unique memory. That's why I ran towards MSD to get his autograph. It was his last home game at Chepauk," Gavaskar revealed during an interview with Star Sports.
While acknowledging that Dhoni might have more opportunities to play at the Chepauk if CSK qualifies for the playoffs, Gavaskar expressed his desire to make the moment truly special. He also expressed gratitude to the person in the camera unit who happened to have a marker pen available for the autograph.
Gavaskar, 73, further praised Dhoni for his gesture and hailed him for the significant impact he has made on Indian cricket. "So, I went to Mahi and requested him to sign an autograph on the shirt I was wearing. It was incredibly kind of him to acknowledge it. It was a very emotional moment for me because this fellow has made immense contributions to Indian cricket," Gavaskar shared.
Amidst the emotions, Gavaskar revealed the two most special moments from cricket that he will cherish for the rest of his life. "Kapil Dev lifting the 1983 World Cup Trophy and MS Dhoni hitting that winning six in the 2011 World Cup final are the two cricketing moments I would love to see before I die," the former India captain expressed.
The heartfelt exchange between Sunil Gavaskar and MS Dhoni exemplified the mutual respect and admiration between two cricketing icons, leaving a lasting impression on both players and fans alike.